Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

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The sacred Being

A wise man, once told me: that to know yourself, means to know others.

There is not one person, in our encounters, that we are not meant to know. As with everything in this journey, it acts as a mere reflection of yourself, and what it is you are willing to accept, and what you are not. For all of us, in our own individual paradigms are asleep, until another being interacts with us, to stimulate the growth (The sacred being)

(This being is the universe itself, acting as god, from the tapestry woven in our lives)

We are all just like a spinning top, not knowing where we will land, and if the fall itself will be a crushing blow to our reality. And since our reality at times can be so fragile, we hold on by solidifying our own perception. Not appreciating another individual, who may challenge it.

We spin around just like a child, upon a merry-go-round, trying to grasp our bearings, but still enjoying the ride. Sometimes in our spinning, we are unaware of how dizzy we become from the stagnant feeling of the spin. And so as with everything, meant to change, as we become aware of someone elses paradigm, we too change, by holding another perception, other than our own.

Sometimes this encounter can be very subtle: like the tip of a blade, grazing your skin. And often it can mean nothing so subtle as to dance with a stranger, but to wound them, by crashing into them.

Crashing into a person, is the act of discovery within ourselves, for we can either focus on the crash, being angry, that someone knocked us out of our own alignment, or we can simply recognize and ask,

“Why did this person Crash into me”

There is nothing so sacred, then for another to crash into you, and it should not be taken so lightly, or dismissed as a nuisance that you swat away. To crash, means to bleed. And once two people have shed blood together, bleeding out from their heart, to feel the pain of knowing one another, loving one another, feeling the openness of their heart, they have crossed a barrier, that most could not. As really its all an invisible barrier anyways, meant to change in form.

WE all spend so much time trying to avoid the crash, taking detours, retreating into our dizziness, but in doing so, we do not realize the beauty we are missing.

It is in us, as human beings to unite from love, but often this love is generic, and has not stood its trials and tribulations to be seen as authentic, with a real measure of what someone is ultimately made of.

We have been trained to be polite, to complement one another with false pleasantries notions.  Like a husband in disregard of his wifes feelings, says “yes Dear” or No you don’t look fat in that dress.. Somewhere along the lines, we feel lied to, as if the lie, is what we are willing to accept, and in return what we are given.

The soul in its quest for discovery, will seek out those people in which to crash into, to feel pain, but also to feel growth. The soul has no agenda as to how this growth is manifested, and will knock you into the nearest person, or dynamic in your life, to feel, to love, to know yourself, from how you take action, and how you don’t.

It can often feel like, darkness, but it is darkness shining wild.

How beautiful it is, to really know one another. To give power to another to hurt you. And in this hurt to feel the liberation and power of your own heart open, drinking from the well of pain, and seeing it all as acts of love.

When we see our pain, as a means from the universe to grow, knowing ourselves better, we do not try to avoid the crash, but stand in our truth, allowing the crash to happen, knowing that regardless of the outcome, at least we loved enough to bleed, to be hurt, and to feel..

It is us, who put such limitations on what love is supposed to feel like, be like, and taste like. Spirit knows it is all love, there is no difference, except the difference we justify in ourselves.

I am so thankful, for everyone, I have ever crashed into, or has crashed into me. They surpassed all of the superficial glaze of my eyes, and penetrated my heart.

We cannot know love, without the pain of loving. In our vulnerability, and willingness to have an open heart, we let the light shine in, opening a door, and not just a window..

Much love to all



The power of saying No!!

I know I do, and many of you do as well, that when we find ourselves in a place of anger for another, it is that we are really angry at ourselves. That many we interact with, are merely just expressions of ourselves in a passing moment.(mirror for us to see who we are from the inside out)

For some of these interactions it is for us to view our anger as deep embedded issues that would continue to take root in us, if there wasnt someone there to excavate them. I look at these moments to bring me clarity. To better understand myself, and to determine what it is teaching me.

The universe in it’s a constant expression verbalizing a message through others to us, helps us to clear away the cob webs of old belief systems to embrace the re-birth of ourselves. We can heed this message by accepting responsibility of what we are infusing, or simply continue to play the blame game.

We all have a choice. That is the beauty and the downfall of free will.

When I teach classes about the art of manifestation, I not only teach about what we create, but also what we un-create. The  universe seeking to be in constant balance weaves a set of energy dynamics to create what it is that we desire, and what we don’t. This so we can live out our lessons, use up our karma to evolve to the next stage feeling more connected, while standing in our truth.

What is our truth? Well this is relative is it not?  Because our truth, just like the universe is in a constant unfolding to reveal the un-truth of who we are, and what we are of how we bear the vulnerability of accepting this.

Our truth that we once lived by can merely be a lie waiting to be exposed and created into something else.

Again this is the beauty, and the ugliness, rolled up in one-act, where suddenly we began to understand what we once was vibrating with, to find that it no longer resonates.. This is one of those Aha moments.. One that can be so riveting, that it takes shape in many forms of our lives creating new energy dynamics in us and around us to build a new existence.

I have often seen this in an attunement of Reiki; the subtle energy at play builds up like a busting volcano. And what once was a happy complacent home suddenly becomes a prison, one in which our spirit wishes to flee from, changing all dynamics of relationships..

I think the hardest part for all of us is to honor this development when it happens and to not cling to our old ways which has brought us security and nurturing. After all I’m sure if we accept enough we can see that even being a slave has its perks as we never have to worry about going hungry, or fending for ourselves.

These are those moments where we have to determine to honor someone elses truth, or our own. Where without even being able to verbalize as words have such limited expression, that it is not a matter of compromise to build a bridge for others, but the bridge that you build in yourself.

Yes we cannot see the acts of others in view of diminishing ourselves. However once accustomed to not being a slave you will not so freely act as one. Meaning that yes we can’t get caught up in insults or demeaning acts of behavior to cause us to question ourselves, but we can however choose not to be a slave.

And we do this by simply making that bold statement of no..

No, it is simply not in me to give of myself in that way. No it is simply not a matter of your feelings, but my own truth in which I must live by. The love for myself

How incredibly difficult it is for us to do this and use this word, because it stirs those innocent moment’s when we were once children being denied of our cookie. Somehow as our parents reiterated the word “No” to us, we felt our own act of discovery and Independence stolen as if we were being bullied by a higher power.

Yet how many times did our parents save our lives by telling us “No” we can’t play in the street, or use a knife, to unscrew the cap off the glue bottle? No it in its natural suggestion, is a means of love. (this is what we need to recognize)

The problem becomes when we don’t say no for fear that by saying it, we wont be loved (fear of not being accepted)

We feel by saying this word no, that we have cut ourselves and others in some way. Just like the way we felt when we were once a child taking orders by the higher command so to speak.

And because we all want to be loved, we refrain from saying no to receive the love from others by “saying yes” Sometimes even at the expense of sacrificing ourselves.


By not saying no, we are denying ourselves and others from the truth, and in fact creating a lie.

A lie that gets stuck deep and not knowing how to change it..

This is where it becomes an internal gauge, where we must weigh not only the consequences of others, but the consequences of ourselves, by creating or blocking something that is coming to the surface for purpose to learn our lessons. To let go of the guilt or the shame without placing blame.

This is a hard-line to walk. Not an easy one at all, and we all do our best in it from the current moment we are standing in. .


For we must love ourselves, in our ability of being able to say no, as much as we say yes.

And love ourselves enough to have the ability to say no.

We need to only understand our intent of why we would say no

No I don’t want to help you, because it is not in me to give. No I don’t want to spend Thanksgiving with your parents, because secretly they are plotting our break up..  When we look at our intent, and see it from a place of love,then the word no is only an extension of love without guilt.

Why do we become angry, because someone says no?

Why do we become angry by having to say it?

Is it because truly we really know ourselves but when embracing another truth,we see the conflict of our own. Thus creating questions in ourselves, we don’t want to answer.

So really anytime one gets angry by the word No.. It is not so much as they feel denied by someone as much as they don’t want to question themselves of why they are being denied yes.

Keeping this in mind as again we are all mirrors,serving as a reflection to others. It would stand to reason that in saying “no” we are indeed helping another individual grow as well as ourselves in balanced emotion.

Knowing this.. We now see No, as not a block but yet another way to open the flow from the truth in which we speak, and taking actions in this fundamental truth of our being. We are then clear of what it is that we want, and are co-creating with the universe.

So the next time you are moved to say Yes just to appease someone else at the sacrifice of yourself you may want to look at how much you do this.

And then ask yourself the lie you have created in yourself by being untruthful with what you truly want by the portrayal of your actions. It can mean the difference in co-creating the love of your life, the dream job, house, or any other desire you have blocked in your perpetuated lie.

Much love for everyone.  May the truth of your own being always shine forth..



The secret beyond, The Secret

We have all read it.  Most of us, who have seen ourselves awakened, have began to unfold the pages of what it means to “manifest our reality.”  We think about all the steps, procedures, as if we are skilled surgeons, strategically plucking out all of what we deem to be  “Undesirable Thinking,” to  bring us into the state of attaining what we want in a physical form. (The secret)

 “If I think about having that new shiny red car, I will manifest it”

 “If I believe, and picture myself in that shiny red car, then it becomes real”

 “If what I believe is real to me in the imagery of my mind, it is  real”

                                                                                                      (The Secret)

Yet when we are thinking upon such things(what it is we wish to create) have we ever asked ourselves’ why we want to create it? And more importantly what is the consequences if I do?

A New Shiny Red Car, seems to be the immediate solution to the ridicule you suffer from your peers, for sporting an Old Pick Up Truck to work. But what other headaches, besides a wounded ego, are you willing to embrace? Such as the escalation of ones insurance, or the taxes, or the fact that shiny red cars are like beacons on the highway for every cop to pull  you over, if you exceed ten miles past the speed limit. Not to mention what it is you negate from your life. Like those weekly treats you give to yourself at your local Sushi Restaurant, or those fabulous days of shoe shopping.

We must considerthe Universal purpose of creating balance, before acting upon what we want to manifest. 

For everything we create, we also  un-create

As in,  the sole purpose of the Universe is to restore balance, in its creation. Where there is drought, there is rain. Where you are creating the scenario of a “New Shiny Red Car” in your life, you are also un-creating your ability to financially sustain yourself, or even worst yet, not finding the real essence of what you seek, a partner in life. Instead you have made your new partner A  New Shiny Red Car.

Of course some could argue, in saying, the new shiny red car, is what is going to attract a significant mate to me. But then ask yourself, would you really want someone who is concerned about status, or the substance of who you are? And honestly if you have to think about that answer, then you may need to make a list of priorities.

And lets’ not forget, that the “Secret” did not indicate, which is, We are CO-Creators..

Yes folks that means, we are ultimately here to learn our lessons. And if our lesson is to learn what it means to be humble, by driving an Old Ford Pick Up Truck to work everyday, then that shiny red car isn’t a part of the journey, and neither are your thoughts in trying to obtain it

And this goes with everything else:  relationships, expectations, prosperity, peaceful thinking, and overcoming pain…

. It all comes back to the lesson of who you are and where you are internally. There is such a thing as the “immovability of Energy” and this in of itself, not being able to change it, “operates as the lesson.”

As I listen to the tone of the new age hype, I find myself wanting to become much more bolder, louder, and stronger, despite the age of submission, and peace, as it often feels like a hindrance to my emotions!!!

I have seen so many turn away from the traditional forms of religion, feeling trapped in its dogma only to formulate more dogma  to live under. But instead of calling it “Sin”, giving it the title “Karma”

To me this is the equivalent of leaving one prison, that is cold and dingy, to move into the next prison, that is warm and has nice flowery print curtains on its walls. Call it what you will, it is still a prison with a nicer ambiance.

The other day a friend I had not spoken too in months called me and as she heard the tone of my voice said,”wow you seem to be in a much better place.”  Months ago when she spoke with me, my frustration had escalated in a high as I was taking all the steps needed to secure my child’s future both academically and emotionally. And although through my anger and frustration it could be perceived as quote “being in a bad place” it was more like I was in the place I needed to be at the time. For it was not going to be the submissive peaceful nature of my being, that was going to awaken the hierarchy of red tape pass the buck system  to get the attention my child needed.

No it was going to take the brutal blow of the goddess “Kali” the destroyer, to invade upon the walls of my suppressor. And so with my weapon in hand, my anger, my love as a frustrated mom for my child, I stood my ground, and challenged anyone around me to undermine my efforts. Within a few short months of making my intent direct, and hard, my son finally received the help he needed. As soon as I felt the clearing happening, I let go of my goddess “Kali” and called upon the peaceful dynamic of my being “Kwan Yin”

In our being, we have all of these wonderful dynamics of energy, representing a tool, in which to use in our daily lives. We as intuitive beings, have to be willing to trust, what dynamic arises in each moment, and recognize its purpose. For we cannot catch butterflies with a hammer, nor break down a wall, using a butterfly. There are times, in which to take action, and there are times in which not to. But in each passing moment, we have to be willing to accept the divine, that acts both as the nurturer and the destroyer.

My friend now more so comfortable with the peaceful aspect of my being, declared me to be in a better place

My mental brainwashing wanted to confirm yes she was correct,  but it had nothing to do with being in a better place, as much as it had to do with me letting go of what it meant to be seen or perceived as being in a good or bad place from myself and from others.

“And from this letting go(  this lack of questioning myself of how my nature should be) is where the peace was created”

I stopped questioning my thoughts, as seeing them as a creation of my reality,

but more so asked myself what made me happiest? Was I happy when constantly in question of what I was thinking?

Was I creating what I really truly wanted?

And better yet by being in a constant question of my thoughts, seeing them as of a lower or higher vibrational energy was this not in fact creating fear!!

How in this thinking, of being careful what I think, any different, then to say “Sex before Marriage is a sin, or Same sex Relationships is an abomination of God, and the sacred union of Marriage?  Either way it still creates fear. Fear of not having the “correct thoughts, placing blame on yourself for doing so. Seeing yourself as not being able to create what it is that you desire, and feeling the perpetuated state of being a victim or abandoned by god.

The whole concept of be “mindful of your thoughts” in its abstract form as a whole is correct. However being human we are not always going to have thoughts of just of a loving nature, even though it all comes from love

As love can be seen in so many ways. A bitch who seems like a bitch, because she speaks her truth, from loving herself. A man who cheats on his wife, because he knows no other way to move out of the black hole of complacency his life resides in. Lost people who make quote “bad decisions, as they fight their way out of the paper bag we see as being wrong.

Yet at closer inspection we see that Spirituality is the fight out of the paper bag. It’s the essence of waking up to who we truly are. Being the creator the destroyer, the lover and the hater, while loving ourselves regardless. It is not a matter of creating something physical, being mindful of our thoughts so we can overcome pain and suffering. It is embracing our pain and suffering. Purging ourselves of our emotions, of hate, anger, and not suppressing them for fear of being judged or judging ourselves to be non-loving.

So often we set ourselves up for this disappointment in these crucial moments of our awakening, thinking that to be awakened means to be happier, or of a joyful premise.

No its mean to love ourselves when we are with joy, and without it. To see that in the emptiness we have all we need, and in the fullness we feel no needing of being nothing but as is.

Detachment of our identity, re-creates how we see ourselves, living in this world, and therefore changes the world itself.

It is in our strength and our ability to be vulnerable we become the examples the demonstrators of what it means to love ourselves. It is not a narcissism, it is not a quest. It is how we see ourselves in a loving nature, bringing us back to the bosom of creation, and our own reflection.

There is no way to beat the universe, to supersede where we stand. We can only love where we are at as we stand,.For at least we do stand. In our ability of letting go so to do we lose the judgment of what it means to be lost. And with nothing to define what lost is, we are found

Truly found in the presence of hope, and despair as we see the un-veiling of the reality we truly live in.

Much love


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The Shadow in Healing (true story)

Two years ago I had a beautiful young lady come to me for a reading. She was lost a little, as most who do come to a reading are, looking for guidance. She was in question mostly about her health, as it was at a very young age, she had cancer, and had been in remission, but because her life seemed to be taking on some very dramatic changes in partners, amongst other things, she began to question where her life was going, and if she was becoming ill again.

She had already at a very young age, with much perseverance, rid herself of cancer, and still had the fear embedded within her.

The reading at that time indicated that she was not sick, however there would be someone new coming into her life, a man who she already knew, but soon would take on a more intimate encounter.

This was positive news, nothing at all what she expected, as she walked in my store that day, to confirm if what she was feeling in her being, was a physical indication of being sick, or that she herself was changing.

Her and I over the years stayed connected through random emails, Facebook and invites for any new meditation group I would form. I felt her energy more present with me in the last 6 months, but never knew why, until she text me one day, asking if I would be willing to do Reiki on her, as she had been diagnosed with Cancer again.

She told me she didn’t have much money, which I didn’t mind, and we arranged a small fee, that would take care of gas fair.

When I got to her home, she confirmed to me about the reading so many years ago, and the  man was in her life in fact, he was everything she always wanted, and was so happy, but did not understand how it was she had cancer again.

The first session we performed, was for the most part, the energy familiarizing itself with her energy. She did not tell me where she had the cancer, but within moments the energy directed me to the exact place(stomach) So a one hour session along with guided meditation, as she really insisted upon it, within minutes she was out like a light. But the energy directed me also toward her voice, throat, as I began to see images of her with the doctors, and her family, who for the most part was in control of much of the decision-making in this process. She felt like a child, one who was only to be seen, but not heard. (her throat chakra was closed)

She also felt like people were thrusting negative energy on her, and had begun feeling paranoia, as in energy attacks. I gave her some dead sea salt infused with herbs, that would help detox the body, but the herbs were for gossip, and slander, as I already knew before I left my house that day, she would be needing them, along with some tidbits of sage for cleansing. The family dog had to be in the room, and wanted the reiki as well. After the session the dog would cling to me, and I would give the dog Reiki for about 5 minutes, not knowing why.

The second session, she wanted it to be with her boyfriend, showing him the energy effect. It was very important to her to have him involved, and even increased the bonding for both he and her, as I showed him how to bio-scan the body connect to the energy, and remain detached from the outcome as well.

Bio-scanning, is where one takes their hands, raising, them one inch off the body, without touching, to feel the energy field. In this process, through light subtle verges, such as tingling, warm and cold sensations on the hands, it can indicate the place on the body which needs healing. I on the other hand, wanted to make it clear to them, that I was showing him how to do this, not to heal per se, but to feel the energy transaction of him opening up, to receive the experience, becoming aware of the energy, and what I was doing in these sessions, with the Woman He Loves.

It was a great experience for him, and for me, as I felt his confidence in me build, reassuring him that I indeed was not a snake charmer, or conjuring up spirits. lol   This allowed for the sessions to continue with a flow, and his permission, infusing the healing process with surrender (which can be very vital, in terms a collaborative healing)

The next session was very discombobulated, to say the least, as the dog(her family pet) wanted to be apart of it, and we had to be in a room where there was much disruption. At first I was annoyed, but then let that go, as I understood everything has its meaning, and purpose, and it wasn’t for me to judge why we found ourselves in such dynamics, but to accept it. She then told me how they found tumors on the dog, and how the dog would never leave her side. It became clear again that this dog was taking on her cancer,(sharing it) as most of the time during the process, she herself had very little pain.. More Reiki on the dog I would do each and every visit. And with the visit to the vet, the dog’s tumors were not malignant. But there was not one session without the dog.. It refused to stay in the other room..

After that session, she had to cancel her weekly visits, as things came up in her life that did not permit her to do so.

I knew then that we would soon be reaching an end, as anytime there are that many interferences it is indication that the energy is not allowing you to move forward in the same way.

As i pulled up into the driveway, I heard the voice, that it is time to drop the seed. I sighed, as I knew that when the energy reached this point, it meant that all the many layers had been pulled away, and that the core needed to be reached. So this session took on a life itself, as I explained to her, that I felt the cancer wanting to leave, however she was still holding on to it. Now no one ever wants to hear those kind of words, and believe me to have to say them does not make me the most favorite person, however before I could leave that day, the energy made itself clear, that they were words she needed to hear. She took them like a trooper, with tears in her eyes, she exclaimed she knew I was right, and felt it within her being, as she knew not how to be anything other “Then the girl with cancer” and was scared of who she would have to become without it.

The next session, I knew would be our last, and so after only about 20 minutes of Reiki itself, I stopped, brought her back and said its time to really face this.. I began what is called EFT, emotional freedom technique, which i have found to be quite effective in many of my sessions. I had to get her to proclaim many things, hidden fears, and hidden truths.

In eft, you start with the lowest threshold, meaning what someone is willing to accept and what they are not, until you build to the ultimate discovery (digging) I cannot tell you what the words were, as the energy just leads me to what needs to be said, and proclaimed. But what i can tell you, is that for the most part it had to be clear that if she did not face who she was, without cancer, then she would in fact be facing death.

How grim this sounded to even have to say the words, to have her say them. Yet it is exactly what needed to be said, and as I watched her wanting to hold back the emotional outburst, I grabbed her hands and told her to let it go. The tears gave way like a flood gate of emotions, a real moment in her life, where she knew her own live hung in the balance of her fears.

This is not the easy aspects of healing, its hard raw stuff, and most cant or wont accept it, even becoming angry with me, not talking to me at all, because of it. Yet I love them enough to be deemed the bad guy, to be seen as someone who is saying the most horrible of things.. For the most part showing them the Shadow of Reiki, the shadow of themselves.

I held her in my arms, as much as she would allow me to, and ended the session, knowing I would not return.

She later called me as i suspected telling me she could not see me anymore, as funds had become even tighter. I told her i loved her and wished her the best.

Today something told me to text her, and I did. She told me the cancer was gone, and that she really missed me. And although it was hard to accept what occurred in that session, it really gave her a sense of empowerment of herself, and so she did just that (took back her) She said I see my life now as being more “Then just the girl with cancer”

I am taking better care of my body, and feel more energy, eating healthy, and taking back who I am..

I asked her if i could share this story, as I felt it was important for people to know that Reiki, and healing isn’t all peace, love and light. That in these sessions they are raw, and it takes someone willing to really face themselves to allow for the healing process to begin. She enthusiastically said yes, please share.

Today she has no cancer. Today her life has a new perception, one she can now see, as a result of willing to see the dark side of her own being, and bring forth the light of her own beauty, in knowing herself.

I am so proud of her, so happy for her.. As what she did was not easy. But she did it.. Not me, not the REiki, not anything, but herself..

I thank you anonymous beautiful young lady, (you know who you are, reading this) for allowing me to be apart of your empowerment.. It makes this work worth doing..

Much love


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Chakra Meditation- Intro

Allow for all the inner chatter to silent, as your heart opens and expands to the awakening of your true self.
Feel the peace and love begin to grow, while listening to the soothing sounds of music and my voice as I guide you, using creative visualization and breathing techniques, that relax and sooth your senses.