Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance


Demons in disguise as angels

We live in a world where so much of what we should do, act, and be, is dictated to us by the media law, ethic, religion, morality, and mass popular beliefs,. What an emotional tight rope it can be by  judging our own thoughts, because of all of the metaphysical books that has employed us to be like “spiritual beings”

We are “spiritual beings” there is no denying this. Stop to think about this? Ask yourself this question? For every real dark thing you have encountered in your life has it not brought you to a richer understanding and even deeper connection with yourself?

For each of us have the god like quality within us.

To see yourself as less than exalting a higher power is to lower yourself in the eyes of someone you respect. If god is all-knowing then it has no need to be exalted. It has no need to have its power respected or even confirmed. God already knows.

God does not judge us. It is that we judge ourselves and did so the moment we created duality in our awareness of “Sin” Now used as the word “karma” or lower vibrations, still it is only semantics. If we look at the many deities and Ascended Masters we can see the diverse dynamics of god within ourselves. In one moment learning detachment in the next destruction, to be rich poor, in love and out of love;  the accumulative process of learning about ourselves through every lesson we encounter. And why?To recognize it is all as one

When we point fingers we have created the duality of wrong or right thinking in our own internal world as well as the external. As everything we create, manifest and bring into our existence is a reflection of our internal dialogue. If we say such things as the light conquering the darkness we are still trapped in the world of duality without  knowing our power. For even the demon deserves our love and quite frankly needs it more. We can place it in a corner  make separation,but that demon is only an aspect of yourself you are not willing to see.  When you do so you are essentially living in segregated parts of your own being, while convincing yourself of your goodness with self righteous thinking.  And why? For that demon often represents a horrid truth, or an idea you cling to for fear your life may change.

Everything created in life is just one more step toward the lesson, or a new lesson. What are these lessons?

It is the energy dynamics at play by the will of the universe to give us a broader understanding of who we are, and therefore expanding our perception of god, so we let go of the hinderance we have placed upon what god is..

To free us from our bonds, our own perceptions of good and bad. For god is both, and is so much more, than just the euphoric feeling of love.

The coined phrase of “letting your light shine forth” has been heavily misconstrued. This does not mean defeating the darkness, or even over coming it. It means to love all things, including the darkness.  To know that the only means of protecting yourself is from loving yourself, and knowing yourself enough to be capable of loving who you are. We do not slay the demon, but love the demon and see its purpose in our making, to bring it forth into the light of our own love of ourselves. Our light is the protection. It is also the angel within.

For the demon too has purpose as it demonstrates to us the internal world of our own embedded fears manifested in our reality.

This happens so we can see our strengths and our weaknesses; all the things to be worked on to promote more love in ourselves. So essentially it is all about love, but not just love. It is the steps taken through light and darkness to amplify”that love” To see it all as acts of love in the universes, or gods making.

We have given these demons many titles, sin, ego, hatred, fear, and evil. But we have never placed the most power of titles upon it “love”   For how can anything in this world if we are to say unity, and we are as one, be anything other than just a notion of “love”

If you do not love the demon, then be prepared to see it showing up in your life like an undisciplined child who seeks attention and has been put into the corner too many times.

Our demons are merely angels in disguise, waiting to be seen as a the blessing of an angel.

This is being real with ourselves. Authenticity.. Through this authenticity of accepting we are both angel and demon we see our evils and our miracles. We become aware of our own pureness of heart capable of loving someone else’s demon and bringing forth integration and not separation.

We are living in a time, where all our karmic lessons have been sped up, and many are avoiding those lessons to deny themselves of growing pains, and change. But the universe in its determination to continue to evolve and expand is thrusting us into a place to go the distance, to see our beauty in the darkness and in the light. Some are climbing on board with this and are feeling the uncomfortable feeling of it, by facing their fears, accepting them, and transmuting them to higher frequencies. Where as others are holding on by their fingertips, much like holding on to a cliff, while the wind is blowing rampantly to thrust you into the un-known and blaming the world because they feel so threatened.


Much love



The Rider, and the Horse

As of lately, I have found myself in a funky place. And no I don’t mean funky as in “play that funky music white boy,” I mean a place of feeling discontent. Sometimes I can look at my horoscope, or even draw conclusion from the fact its a full moon, and feel my more melodramatic side take a prominent stand, but this discontent wasn’t at all like that.  It was more like the discontent of feeling satisfied in myself, but feeling the discontent of others, how they react or even communicate to me (the external mirrors of self)

We have our internal mirror, the one in which how we view ourselves to be from the inside, and the external mirror of the world, in which how we view ourselves to be in the eyes of another, or many. Often these perceptions can contradict one another, as we can be very misleading to who we really are, by the actions we take, being viewed by the lens of the world. This then begins an unraveling of sorts, where self-doubt, and questioning takes hold of us in a most powerful grip of introspection. I look at these moments as forks in the road. Where the path I am currently walking, can be explored in a deeper way, or shifted into something else.   Almost like deciding to take vows with another, you instead are taking vows with yourself.  The only difference is, there cannot be any expectations to the outcome, once you decide.

“How do you choose to experience yourself?

Yesterday, I spent three hours on the phone, talking with my Reiki Master, explaining to her some of the dynamics playing out in my life, and how I was feeling. After hearing me talk, she explained to me, that I was standing at a “crossroads”

My Reiki Master, a beautiful patient, compassionate loving woman, who can listen intently, but then dive the message home, with her metaphorical butt whippings, posed a question to me, of why I, an obvious”extrovert” chose a mentor who is for the most part an  “introvert”

I found this to be such a ridiculous question to me, but a valid one for her to ask from me. I told her that when I speak to her, I feel no expectation of how I should be.

How refreshing it is to me, to feel accepted just as I am. . You see me, and can recognize where I am standing is neither good, nor bad, that it just happens to be where I am standing, and you illuminate where it is that I am standing, so as to empower me, in that illumination. I care not that you are an introvert, extrovert, someone who has written many books, or a little old lady with a million cats, cut off from society. It is from this feeling with you, being accepted, and not judged, that I use this same means to communicate with the world.

I have seen my fair share of “spiritual leaders” preaching positive thinking to others,  to get a leg up in their own lives, from standing on the backs of others, exploiting their fear of not being accepted as they are. I have also seen great spiritual leaders who in their positive thinking do not judge what positive thinking is, and show only acceptance. These are the people far and few between.

A horse, is one that is being driven by the rider, and it competes, with its rider, by running faster, from the whip. That horse runs, for the sake of being ridden,  knowing it’s purpose,much like the ego drives us to perform, and accomplish great tasks. What would happen, if instead we became the horse with no rider, nothing to drive us, just chewing on the grass, or running with an the oceans current.

The question we all must ask ourselves, in one time or another of our lives, is

Do we want to be the rider, or the horse?

Either one has a significant role, and one needs the other in convenience, as the rider needs the horse to prevent from walking, and the horse needs the rider, so as to have a purpose to be ridden. But when the two began to realize both are capable of being just as they are, the horse, will chew on the grass, running  for the adventure, and the rider, will know what it means, to go a great distance walking on foot.

Because of our strive for the pursuit of happiness, we place boundaries upon ourselves as to what this happiness should feel like, and look like. We pick apart at these very things, as we are always wanting more of this ecstasy feeling, that validates we are standing in a good place, and see the accomplishments we have made by doing so. (this is the ego) And it is not a bad thing, it is simply the whip that keeps us running, motivated to perform at the race. By performing, we feel glorious, a show horse, beautiful and at the peak of our prime, pampered through our performance, and admired for all we do. But the trade-off is that in the admiration of others, we always have to keep running, and performing, so as to sustain our image of being a winner.

We cannot say, this doesn’t feel good, or we are simply not thirsty for this feeling, as it is the very validation in ourselves as to how we are performing, and learning in our lives.

But what would happen, if we just became the horse who chews upon the grass? Would we care not how we are viewed? Would we care not that as a horse it is in our nature to defecate wherever we stand, and it matters not that we trow upon it…lol.. What a mental picture I get when describing this, but I think to myself how incredibly freeing this would be.  To just be.. That instead of taking great lengths to be seen as good, loving, successful, we instead take our steps as a mean of finding the next patch of grass to chew upon. The next great winding road to run upon, just for the feel of running, and not performing.

These have been the questions I have asked myself. So i can see that it is not that I have been in a funk, as that was me making judgement upon myself for not being my happy self. But that I have been questioning the validity of myself (internal mirrors) versus the validity of myself in the (external mirrors) and asking myself which one holds more weight.

I know that each and every one of us, has this feeling. And we smile, sending out love, being loving, so as to receive more love. Again not a bad thing, but what becomes so very apparent to me, as how we are so willing to smile, be loving, excluding our feelings in this scenario, so as to be loved by others,(performing)negating our own acceptance(of just being)

Much love to all…


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The power of the word Fuck…

How many of you, after visiting this blog felt your interest sparked by the provocative word being used in this title?

Did your eyes scan the pages of words, feeling a regurgitated feeling of your senses and only to have them perk,or  even inflamed as to why a blog devoted to spiritual development would have the word “fuck” in its title?

And if so, why would you even ask such a question if you weren’t  willing to dive into the darker essence of your own being to encompass the full spectrum of self not bits and pieces? (Authenticity)

So indeed instead of questioning me of why I would feel inspired to write such a thing, you may have to ask yourself why it is you felt compelled to read it? And from the simple act of asking such a question you may very well be delivered into a deeper aspect of your being that has waited to be bloomed into the most magnificent of flowers. 

When I was 16 yrs of age lost in the muck of my own words and how to convey them, I took a class called Semantics 101.

My Teacher ,Mr Wotton (yes I remember his name) was a man who had created a wide-spread controversy throughout the school for how he executed his deliverance to a class of “impressionable kids.”

Upon entering the classroom he would say with such enthusiasm the words fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! He would say them over and over and over again, until the words themselves would sound like baby babble.

Of course at 16 years old’s we were astonished to hear a “teacher”  displaying with such a careless disregard of the consequences. We were fully aware of the implications of what the word “fuck” carried when speaking it and was intrigued immediately by what was deemed our authoritative figure disregarding the “rules” We were stunned and speechless; similar to like a deer in headlights. He grabbed us out of our empty corpses and the social etiquette of complacency to set a precedence that to me and many did not compare to any of the rest of our high school experiences.

Some of us were laughing nervously by the strange effect of it; almost like we were watching a full comedic impression being staged in front of us, where as others just looked around the class to see the reactions with their eyes wide open unable to fully process the experience.

Mr Wotton  aware of how this would initially stir an emotional jolt in all of continued on, treading through the laughter and building a climatic response in all of us when he would suddenly just stop and look at all of us directly in our faces asking us to examine the power of words. He would further emphasize his point by saying “how it is not words that has the power, but the power in which we give to them”  I can’t remember my prom night, but I distinctly remember the way his face looked. How he swayed into the classroom with such confidence and devotion to not just teaching us but reaching us. He did not say this is this or that, he simply asked us to examine ourselves in the power we have given freely to something that really has no power.

Mr Wotton was a teacher who cared not to just be a teacher, but a friend, and  confident; someone who never portrayed himself as being wiser or above us in our youth. He unbeknownst to him was giving us back our power as soon to be adults in the world. He was showing us something that many adults in their own impressionable teen years (our fathers and mothers) had not bothered to look at until their first emotional breakdown: Introspection and the subjective. He was essentially creating free will empowerment and the act of discovery in ourselves not as what we should be, but what we wanted to be.

Eventually as all of the parents caught wind of the class it was banned. Imagine that a class meant to encourage free thinkers of the world was banned. Yet to this day I can revisit Mr Wotton’s Facebook page and see all the many comments his previous students from 15 years ago leave on his page, exclaiming how that class changed them in ways that even he may never fully understand.

For me it changed everything in my life, forcing me to really examine myself from the inside out. How it was for so long, I was afraid to communicate what I was really feeling inside  as a teenager growing up in a world, that seemed so disconnected from the painted silly masks.  And I too, had begun the early stages of painting my own mask for the sake of acceptance and fitting in. His class empowered me and I often wonder as the class only lasted for a short time before it was banned, who I would be today without its influence?

Today in the adversity I have faced in my life, I draw from the parallels of that class, using it to construct spiritual growth classes and empowering many of my clients with the same wisdom; words are words they have no power over us except of how we view ourselves in the definition and relation of the word used. From one word we can go from knowing or feeling like we are something to nothing in two point five seconds. Imagine that only a word that was once just a grunt in caveman standards could signify how we feel about ourselves.

Yet words are a means in which to communicate and very much the “ego” expressing itself as the ego is simply the realization of not being alone and interacting with others. In our isolated state of being alone, such as in meditation we are of peace in our true nature. When we become aware we are not alone our identity of who we are also becomes aware, creating ego. It is our ego which communicates and through our ego in which we create much unnecessary acts of pain toward another through words. 

I am a person who believes that everyone has a right to speak their mind, express how they feel regardless if it upsets me. In fact if it indeed upsets me this is even more significant as it something I need to look at within myself and gives me an opportunity to dig deeper at core issues and emotional responses. To shed some light on my own being and what makes me tick, peeling back all the many layers of conditioning we all have encountered from society itself. (To bleed just to know your alive)

I am thankful that a chord has been struck!!

In the past when I have taught my seven series class “Finding the Guru within” we talk about words, in fact asking many to bring up to what I refer to as “emotional trigger words”  The one simple word we all have in our lives that creates a strong emotional response of anger, resentment and puts us in a position of being defensive. The exercise was meant for the participants to find the power behind its meaning (the core) and to recognize that words have various meanings which means nothing is absolute even in a word.

When we look at a word and how it triggers us into an emotional reaction we truly face its suggestion, not only in that moment but for the rest of our lives. Something shifts when we become the observer of our emotional responses and not just have them. We see how in that moment we are being asked by the universe itself is this how you truly see yourself? And if the answer is no, then why are you having an emotional response to it? Now to go further in recognizing how much words have become a simple projection by others and we adhere to those projections of many egos like some kind of sticky glue in constructing our own view of ourselves.

We began to see how in the power of words,we define roles in our life, like mother, father, friend, brother and sister. Yet ask someone what is the definition of the word “mother”  Some would say nurturer, giver, supreme goddess, others would say bitch, devil, selfish. And how it is from each experience differing we make comparison of our own worth for what these words represent. How offensive is it to one who clearly has had a loving mother to have another speak so ferociously about their bitch of a mom. Not only offensive but how in that feeling of being offended you will make the other persons experience seem less than even saying “dysfunctional” Now think about how the word “dysfunctional” conjures up feelings of inadequacy and weakness.

We cannot speak of love saying that we should love unconditionally if we place a hindrance on how someone speaks their truth. By doing so we have dismissed not only the right for someone to speak their truth but our right as well in a future encounter; negating all the many dynamics of ourselves. If we suppress a truth in another it is only because it is a truth we suppress in ourselves. 

Not all truths are absolute and are relative to the bigger truth and that is truth is often a lie waiting to be exposed.  For we have all been liars, cheats, interrogators, place mats, warriors, saints, killers, lovers, monsters, bitches, assholes, cunts, jerks, nerds, demons, angels, peace, war, drama, all of thee above.

I have become very fond of the word “bitch” as I am fully aware that I can be perceived as being one, just as much as being perceived as “loving and kind” I make no separation of this, and empower others do the same. We are just mirrors of one another interacting at various frequencies both of high and low to represent the many facets of our being.

When we place ourselves in such a cavalier manner, so as to prove to ourselves that we are only love, we are not acting from love, but from fear. We like to convince ourselves otherwise, but never underestimate the power of denial.

The word fuck!!! Is a powerful word.. but only because we have given it so much clout to rattle our nerves. Just as many other words we see disrespectful or non-appealing. But we must ask ourselves in the suggestion of words and their definitions, how we have limited our own expression?  The word god has many words attached to it to emphasize a meaning we can truly never know. I have heard love, all that is, divine, universe,energy.

But to me the word god and its definition: is all that is, in  which cannot be defined..By doing  so, trying to define it we encapsulate it like a butterfly in a glass prison of words and expression; a butterfly that is meant to fly. 

We live enough in a prison of mediocrity and lack of individual expression. We need not create yet another self-induced prison for ourselves by not accepting our responsibility in the power we have given to words

So much love to everyone.. I love you dearly


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What are we unlearning

Recently a question was posed to me, pertaining to giving gifts. It started out as a discussion, where many offered their own view points. Some said that a true gift, is one that bare’s no expectation with it, and it matters not if appreciation is shown.

Others said that the gift itself is the appreciation she feel when you have gifted to another.. A pay it forward kind of formula. All points were valid to me, but since my own internal process wont allow me to think in such absolutes, (especially to the affairs of the heart, that couldn’t be any more complicated) I found myself striking up my own internal dialogue.

As simple as we like to say it is,  in all justifiable purposes,  it is never this simple. We are spirits, connected to the divine,but also human beings with many fallacies and desires. These desires can be the very rocket fuel we need to catapult us into the next evolution of ourselves. To deny them, is to deny the very essence of our own being, in which we have chosen to discover, in our bodily form.

Yes we are learning, but in doing so to attain more information, we are unlearning as well

To me this is something we should all keep in mind. For as much as we like to believe we are free thinkers, we are all still stirring up the pot of data, we have collected from the constructs of society’s thinking.

I myself can’t count how many times I have been on the receiving end of a  gift, only to discover an agenda or attachment to it. An attachment, that upon closer inspection lacks the ability of freedom of expression as to how one would respond in appreciation.

We have all been trained, told how to act toward any gift we are receiving.  Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because we are generating a lack of respect for the person who gave to us, and for ourselves, which is wrong. Yet to me this gets into some grey area, that doesn’t seem to get explored, until we began to question our own integrity, that is very much forced upon us by our parents, who created the expectation in themselves, so as to measure how they are in child rearing.

Again another example of what we have learned, and what it is we are unlearning.

And how many times have I been the one to gift, only to receive a lack of appreciation from the receiver, telling myself what an awful person they are for showing me no respect. Only to justify it in my own mind, by saying “it is not that they are disrespecting me but of themselves.

How self-righteous must we be in our line of thinking, to see ourselves in a higher light..  Woo hoo, yet another example of what we have learned, and quite possibly need to unlearn..

I remember a friend of mine many years ago, asked me to make them a cd, with the talents of Sting. I at the time was a big Mazzy Star fan, and wanted to introduce him to her haunting voice, I found to be mesmerizing.  I spent hours on the cd, carefully picking out songs I felt would strike a chord in him, and paid for the shipping to his home.

He called me, to say “Misty I do not want you to take this wrong, but I asked for a gift from you, one that I entrusted in you to give, without attaching any of your own expectation with it” “You instead did the exact opposite, and now if I show no appreciation for the gift you gave me, you will see it as me being a selfish person”

I pondered his words, and said to him you are absolutely right, and if you did not want the gift, I would understand, and in return I would be more than happy to make up for my mistake, by making another CD for you. He laughed, and said “Fortunately I loved everything you put on the cd, and I thank you for thinking of me, but all to often many people don’t get that a gift can only be a gift, if the receiver sees it as such”

If someone asks for a pound of apples, and instead you bring them bananas, you really haven’t given them anything. Yes he said, the act of giving them something, is just that: something, but not a gift”

I was happy from what he said to me. Instead of pretending to be grateful, he instead gave me a bigger appreciation of our friendship, one that is the free ultimate expression of love (honesty) And although his honesty only helped to increase the bond between us, for others, it has proven to create the exact opposite.

In my first marriage, we would for every holiday season, visit his stepsister’s home. She was a very glitzy dominant person who was brutally honest to the fault. Often at times even laughing at herself, as she hosted a party with the temperament of  a hollywood starlet, using words like “darling” and “isn’t it fabulous” So in watching her disposition, I decided that the best approach with her was to demonstrate the very same honesty, hoping by doing so it would usher in respect, for being able to speak my mind so freely as she was capable of doing.  I found this not to be the response I desired, when one night, I opened a pair of earrings, dressed in green glitter, almost wincing by its appearance.

She saw my face, and said “do you not like, them, cause if you don’t, I will take them back?” Apprehensively I shook my head with a painful expression telling her no, I’m sorry they just aren’t something I would ever wear.

She then grabbed the gift, screaming at me, staring at me in disbelief of my statement, exclaiming how she spent hours trying to find the perfect gift for me. I found this hard to believe, since the earnings looked like something bought from the discount bin, of Wal-Mart, and didn’t resemble anything she had ever seen me wear from previous parties I attended. But I quickly apologized to her, and felt shameful for my response, and angry, because I did not feel I did anything wrong, but give opportunity to promote a deeper expression of honesty, as my friend had once given to me.

This experience alone, taught me that nothing is absolute. For what worked with one individual, certainly doesn’t work with the next. And as much as we as human beings need to define things, and categorize, for the sake of clarity, it was clear to me, that nothing could be so more unclear.

I don’t think the answer is as simple as just give, for the sake of giving. Or be appreciative of every gift you receive.For to me it would seem by generalizing, we can create a very convoluted idea or expectation upon ourselves as to how we should approach when giving, and receiving.

Such as the gift of love. And I do not mean as in a universal love, but a more personalized love,(making love)

When a woman gives of her body to a man, she has given him a beautiful gift. She is aware of the value of this gift,  but wants the act of her giving to be reciprocated in an even bigger act of appreciation. How the man responds, speaks volumes to her in the value of the gift. If he treats it with such ill accord, then the gift, that was once a gift, becomes a meaningless blanket of shame, and regret.

In this situation, gift giving, isn’t given just to give, but also to receive. And by not receiving, you have one of two scenarios to devise from. See it as a gift regardless,because you place value upon it, or see them as a selfish pig, who has no value in themselves. Either way to me, it creates an air of arrogance, or even self-righteousness. And this couldn’t be any further away from the goal we are wanting to reach, in our own personal enlightenment.

To me all arrows point back to the simplicity of what is all is, of what the universe in its own divine purpose is creating


I believe everything happens for a reason. Such as in gifting to a person who places no value upon what you are gifting. This to me alone this  is the gift, the experience of who will and who will not appreciate the same things I value.
It is not a matter of blame, getting angry, but to see, what it is you did not see before (this is the gift)Knowing, and understanding the many dynamics of the human heart.

A woman who gifts her body to a man, only to be shown the gift was not received. Will she never gift again? No she will simply choose to give to one who  in the future, is in alignment with the balance she is creating.
And yes sometimes to achieve that balance, we just like children have learning, and unlearning to experience.
The feeling of non-appreciation, so as to appreciate ourselves, and learn what to give, and not to give, dependent upon each person.
Yes I agree that giving in and of itself should be the gift. However, I also believe that in everything we do it should be maintained in balance, as to me this is the universes sole purpose.
I do not gift to those, who I know would place no value upon what I am gifting, unless I have lost all attachment to its worth or importance recognizing in doing so, is again the gift of teaching me detachment. To do otherwise, only creates resentment and disappointment in our interaction with others.

(an example would be, gifting a homeless person, a meal) I have no attachment to this meal, and it is a gift only because I care not if they show appreciation. I am appreciative enough for the experience of being able to do so.
But I ask myself if you gift to another, without a detachment of the worth of a gift, in your own being, is it really a gift, or just a gesture of giving?
I have gifted sessions to clients who was in need, but did not have the money to pay. Some were appreciative, and others in a place of need, saw it as my duty to give, and showed no appreciation. Was it my job to instill this appreciation in them by being angry by their lack of?
No my job was only to give, as I knew how, seeing what I was giving did have value in myself, but recognizing that its gift was no greater than any other gift they had received by being in a place of need
My gift was no bigger or smaller, than anything else, creating balance of everything

Yes it would be a greater gift, a greater satisfactory feeling, of having another validate its worth.
But the validation we seek from others, can be the greatest disappointment in ourselves.
So its safe to say, this discussion showed many dynamics to what we deem as being gifts, and how nothing is ever so black and white.
However without complicating things unnecessarily, we can simply draw conclusions of how to give, and receive, by maintaining the balance in ourselves.
Ask yourself what it is you have learned, and what is you are unlearning?
Our acts of love, are not measured in the gifts we give, but of the love instilled in ourselves, when giving from a place of detachment, and balance. In this we let go self-importance, placing ourselves no more or no less than any other gift given or received, seeing all of an equal accord (restoring everything back to it’ or gin of love)
Much love to all

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Walking the Razors Edge

So this week, seems to be a common theme, not only in my own personal life, but as well as many of my clients.

I was informed that my son, now being bullied at school, as a result of  not wanting to be  apart of a bully club, was tripped by a fellow student. The child was disciplined by the school, with in school suspension, and is now holding a grudge against my son. He has informed other students, that he is now quote “is going to get Jeffery”

I am not one who advocates violence, and I believe that everything can be worked out, if two people are willing to do so. However, in this case, what would a parent advise their child to do? For I want my child to know the strength of his own being,and not shrink in the eyes of adversity. But I also want his to maintain his normal loving way, as well.

This week has been session after session, with fellow clients, who I have had to empower in loving themselves enough to protect themselves. I look at these adults, who are so fearful of being seen as difficult, or a bad person, that they are willing to allow bad things to keep happening to them, without drawing the line.  They keep perpetuating this victimized state, not realizing they are creating it, by not taking any action to stop it.  And it all comes back to their self worth, how they see themselves. We are all beautiful in our own way, and deserve to be accepted, and loved. I think in terms of energy when saying this, that often enough, we have to be the people who make the ripple in the water, to create the wave of change. If we dont as individuals send the message, proclaiming to the universe, we see ourselves worthy enough, to fight for ourselves, then how can the universe respond, but to give us something else to fight, until we do see ourselves worthy. Fear of anything, stops us dead in our tracks, it keeps us from taking the next step, and squashes our voice.

So I ask all my spiritual friends, how do you view this. Are we always to handle things in peace, walk away, or in confrontation?