Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (explanation)

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Too often when we write a blog, we hope that in doing so it will resonate with others in the same way it resonates with the author who writes it. As with everything you write, everyone is open to individual perception, of the meaning behind the words, or the message being conveyed. In my post Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, I was using the parody of life, in how we view certain character roles, such as a witch, munchkins, and great wizards to be evil, innocent, and all-knowing.

Yet as it is portrayed in the Wizard of Oz, the Wizard isn’t all-knowing at all, but is in comparison to innocent little munchkin folks who populate the Land of Oz. You see the breakdown happening, as Dorothy reveals the man behind the curtain to be just an innocent fragile man, much like herself.  To me this movie examined the human psyche, as we see ourselves to be in all roles being played. And the land of Oz is just a mind trip in which to travel, revealing we do not have to travel far to find home. “There is no place like home”

 Home for me being the ultimate surrender, when we trust that in clicking our heels a few times, we find ourselves safe in our warm beds. Or home in a spiritual way, is finding our way back to the bosom of god itself, in a place of trust and acceptance. Sometimes to do so, we have to travel distant lands, which is the equivalence of many lessons, to learn how to let go, and just be. For to be we all take for granted, seeing it as an act of laziness, or lack of motivation to triumph some great un-known force we do not even know what name to give it.  I call it ourselves..

As a result of this post, I received various messages, emails, and chats, in which to discuss the blog. Some received it, and others wanted to read into it, using the tone of the post to nudge at my own psyche. In the post I spoke in great detail about a young boy who died of cancer. A young boy whom had a significant impact on me, because of his great act of surrender to death. When first diagnosed with cancer, I performed a healing on him, in which I was told to back off. Now even when making that comment, I have to reiterate that when I say I performed a healing on him, I mean to say the universe acting through me to do so. I do not own it, as I am fully aware I CANNOT HEAL ANYONE..  But as a human being, it was difficult to surmise what the energy was really telling me, is that this young boy knew or had accepted he would die. And that I being privy to this energy information, was to do nothing but to set back and watch as the story unfolded. Nothing was so clear to me, as it was that day, when laying hands upon this boy. The message was this boy will not die today, and he will heal from the first time of cancer, but he will get it again three times stronger, and will die.. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Now I am aware, by simply writing this, many would say why even bother if you know yourself, and your intent. Because this blog was of great importance to me. This whole experience taught me how to truly surrender. Not just talk about it, or write it on some status, as a goal I wanted to reach. But it was real for me. And I wanted others to know, how free I feel, and the too can feel, when you just let go. And maybe in my last post, my words had too many metaphorical symbols for it to be perceived in such a way. That in my ability to be witty, could have also been why the message was lost.

 For two years i carried the knowledge knowing he would die. And hoping that I was wrong, questioning myself as an intuitive.

I did not write this blog, to demonstrate my talents, or to say I am some specially talented individual far beyond anyone else. I need to make that clear. Ego was no were involved in this scenario. For ego would have surely wanted to dive in, and save this little boy from its apparent circumstances. But ego did need to understand in a spiritual way, why such things were laid before it.  Of course when saying this I do not draw the line of what is ego or spirit, cause I am very aware each one has an equal part in what we do in this world, and needs to be so, so as to understand the boundaries, and our limitations, as being the lesson, that spirit wants to know, or experience.  I do not in any way feel responsible or guilty for this young mans death. For me to think so, gives me power than god itself, and I am fully aware the only power I have, is the power that is given to me. (god acting through me)

Being that I am an open book and have written many blogs, and notes about my childhood, many wanted to draw their conclusions from this place as well. Focusing on how the pain of this child, was  reflection of my own painful childhood. I do not refute this in any way. For why would it not. To me this is so painfully obvious, as anytime a child is in pain, be it through abuse, or a debilitating disease, there is always those memories that flood my brain passages.  I do not think that it is meant for such things not to effect us, because it is a daily diary of our internal awakening.  But even so, in the end, I was still able to separate the two, recognizing that yes this child is me( as in the one) but the lesson unfolding effects many, other than myself.

When I wrote the blog, it was to demonstrate how each and every one of us, are being called to the test. An internal test of how we see ourselves to be, and what role we play. Also that the universe is pushing us out of our comfort zones, so as to be anywhere else than just ego driven, accumulating more and more things, or power. My power, was in my act of having no power. The power to understand, to relate, sympathize, and to do nothing, but let the waves carry me wherever they may.  As far as being the witch.. I see myself in this role, as the one who is aware of the truth unfolding, but also must take the role of the munchkins, innocent and fresh full of life. As the wizard, I know nothing, except what the circumstances of the universe thrusts me in. I couldn’t give that little boy a second chance in life, nor could I give a scarecrow a brain, or a tin man a heart. But I am able to be apart of the steps in the journey,and that is the surrender. That is the power.. It has little to do with ego, as ego itself is just me, a person in flesh.

Just thought i would make that clear..

Much love to all


Author: Misty

I live life to the fullest, and ask questions later. Sometimes I falter and sometimes I get it right. But I so enjoy this adventure called life. I am a conduit of healing energy; a reader, an intuitive, a massage therapist with 10 years of experience, a certified Neuromuscular therapist, and mother of 2 beautiful children. I am a teacher Reiki master, spiritual adviser and a student of life. I also facilitate yoga and guided meditation. But above all I am a spiritual being having a human experience

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