Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

Rhode Island Psychic Im not..(or maybe I am)

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Last night I was so excited to catch up with the recordings of Long Island Medium. I was floored by the amazing accuracy this woman had, and her love behind it. She not only would deliver the messages, but would feel the emotion conveying it, instead of SPEAKING IT AS IF SHE WAS READING A TELEPROMPTER  .  Her demeanor a little brazen, but I understood this to be her belief and confidence of what she does. She never once regurgitated information for the sake of ego boosting, as some could perceive it. She had no expectation of what the outcome would be, but only to trust in the moment the message being delivered was of a higher purpose…And if that is ego boosting, then I would say “Jesus” himself was nothing but EGO..

In fact to take it one step further.. If any us was to be Jesus returned to the earth to spread the message, we would all fail.. And why?  I dont know maybe that little word that blinds us each and every time of our beauty, when spirit wants to fly.. That word that man invented to make separation of himself and the “god head”  That little word that often makes me cringe when I hear it spoken upon the mouths of people I know who are nothing but giving, but have to question every move they make as being giving enough,if they just so happen to display any emotional response such as anger.. I’m talking about the big word, the supercalifragilisticespialidocious word..

Yes you guessed it…. EGO… And since I have already tackled the subject of “ego” a thousand times in my posts, I will not elaborate.

Only to say that if it is you are ever in doubt, just know it is the ego of others, that created your ego.

All we believe is a product of everything we have been fed by the ego of someone else. We are not independent of one another, but dependent upon the eyes of many in who we are.

As I continued to watch the show, it was clear to me from the emotional responses in her and the people, she wasn’t there to stroke her ego, but only do be a conduit of the divines direction. Even when her family would become annoyed by her generous gestures to strangers on the street, she paid it no mind, leaving little regard to how UNCOMFORTABLE ANYONE WAS BY IT.. I loved her explanation she said to her family.

if I don’t get this out, the anxious feeling will stay with me” Spirit is urging me, and I must listen to it, regardless of how it is seen in the mundane.

What is this? Well this is the information of the divine (the collaborative forces of all energy) and it speaks to you all the time. How open you are to it,  is how much more open it will become for you.

Picture a running faucet of water, if something blocks it then the flow of the water is less, but when its open, it just keeps flowing. So when you remain open in trust, and without fear, speaking your truth when you are told to, the universe gives you more information heightening not only your connection with it, but also your intuitive ability, in your own life, to co-create.  You no longer struggle with what to say, or do, it becomes easy, just as the flow is. The problem is the rules of spirit have very little to do with the mundane, and this is the challenge.

I understood this all too well, and how I had struggled with this very thing.. The mundane(what is expected of us in the rules of society) and the spirit (where there are no rules) As of lately I had been swallowing information to refrain from treading into places I dare not venture with others, without their permission. (you know those secret places of someones being, they don’t want to explore) Even in a reading when I was given permission, I would pull back, filtering information, and even censoring it. And every time I did, I would feel a kick in my ass. And why? Because my refrain wasn’t coming from love for the person, keeping their feelings in mind, nor love for myself.

It was coming from FEAR..

Fear that if I did say something to close to the truth it would cause an avalanche reaction.

Fear of not hurting the person per se, but the fear of me having to see myself as someone who was being hurtful. And owing their reaction as my responsibility of not being loving enough.

I can’t count how many times an individual would come to me for a reading, because their true purpose was only to find blame for someone else, and to be confirmed they were right. Yet when the energy would flow, it would reveal deeper truths, that had little to do with the person they sought out to blame. And even when I would “prove myself” as a “Psychic” revealing dynamics I had no way of knowing, and even names, they still would become angry, argumentative and nasty. Of course since most of my readings were not based on medium work with a ghost to shield me in my expression, they could not take comfort in what I said, even though it was of their highest good. That was one attribute the Rhode Island Psychic had, that I didn’t.. Nor would I say in my readings my guides, or spirit to shield myself as a separate being of the energy flowing.

I suppose I do that, from a little seed my Reiki Master once dropped for me..

She said “It is so much easier for one to give information claiming it to be your “spirit guides” then to stand in the nakedness owning your “spirit guide” as you.

If you were to approach someone saying spirit told you, the message would be so easily received. But in doing so, you would know you are hiding behind a technicality that frees you from the responsibility of the reaction”  Perhaps this is where I went wrong.. It felt so cliché and even staged for me to say spirit is telling me this or that, as some kind of kook.. When I knew it to be all spirit.. All of it.. So in remaining true to myself, the rejection of others was staggering. Maybe I should have just said “spirit”

So I said to myself I must be doing something wrong… And backed off from doing readings, and energy work, until it felt right to me again.

The universe responded to my decision, and brought little clients to me in that direction. And I was happy to be disconnected from others as that persona, or identity.. Soon enough though it would continue to fine tune my gifts in other ways and to build my psychic muscle, by bringing other challenges, and even more magical people who were doubtful of their gifts, to show me the error in my own doubt.

During this time, known now as my “psychic sabbatical”  I had to tell a young lady who called on me for healing, that it was she who would not let go of her cancer. When spirit first gave me that message, I did not want to speak it.. Cause I thought “great here I go again” I mean how insulting is it to tell someone who is fighting cancer, that they are the culprit of their own demise? As soon as I heard it, I said to myself it’s not mine to give. It matters not I am hearing it. It does not mean I should speak it.. And then I heard the other urge come shortly to me that trumped any fear I may have of this young girls rejection of me, and that was

If you don’t she will die… There is no one else so bold to speak it to her, but you, and it is why you are here. It is you choice

To my surprise she accepted it with a floodgate of tears, exclaiming she knew it to be true. Her reply being ” I have always been the girl with cancer, and I do not know who I am if I’m not”  Months later she text me, informing of her cancer being  in remission, and it was because of the words I spoke to empower her of her own free will to take her life back.  She was so grateful, beyond happy, that for a few short moments I was apart of her life. I can’t imagine if I had just filtered or swallowed the information.

Shortly after her, more dynamics played along.. It was as if the universe was making sure all my channels remained open. Dakota, my partners nephew, I was told when I performed energy work, that he too would die, but I was not to speak it. For this was a choice the boy had already made, and it not yours to change. I was even told half way through the session to “back off” that I was not to interfere at all in the process, and this meant with his mother, his father, his entire family, including my own partner. As a result the once close relationship I had with my partners sister fail away like a wilted flower, because she saw me as denying her and her son of life.  She even wanted me to attune her to Reiki so she could perform healing. I told her no.. And she felt abandoned by me, because of it. So I watched as she struggled to keep him alive, and failed.

I was really mad at the universe for that one!!!! But no matter, I still obeyed.

So what I believed to be my “Psychic Sabbatical” was really another foot deeper down the rabbit hole. And because I was so emerged in it, I had no idea that is where it was taking me. And none of this dawned on me, until I watched that damn show Rhode Island Psychic!!

The universe is always speaking

So I say this to all of you, we are all intuitive.. Every single one of us.. When you are given a message, speak it, unless you are told specifically not to. If you are not to speak it, the universe will make that clear to you.. It is not your job to filter, or to censor information, that is your fear speaking to you, not spirit.  Speak it regardless of how it is viewed or the consequence. For god, divine, goddess, energy, universe, has already weighed the consequences, and would never put you in a situation that was not of your highest good.

And yes You will feel rejection. And yes you will question yourself because of that rejection. But after a while, the rejection is secondary to the amazing journey you will have with the divine. I have watched those who reject me in one moment, and embrace me in the next. Nothing had changed, per se, except that even in the fear of rejection, I still spoke it. I owned it, and watched as the energy dynamics brought everything back  full-circle. Not because my truth was any more valid than anyone else’s but because I was willing to stand in it, without reservation, or doubt.

The universe is always testing us. It is asking us to dig deeper and deeper within our being. To see our strengths and weaknesses, with everything we do. When we stand strong with who we are, it is not a matter of strength or weakness, for sometimes to be strong, we have to be perceived as being weak. It is a matter of simply loving ourselves, and speaking our truth!!

So thank you Universe for putting me back on track, so I can remove this fear I have been holding, as I have secretly been refraining from my gifts to others, so as not to feel the consequence by doing so.

It does you no good to play small to others, to comfort them in their own smallness. You have to be willing to be bigger than life. To be just as accepting of yourself and all you have to offer, without fear of how it will be accepted or seen.

Once you start to listen to that, listen to that voice, then everything becomes clear. You stop doubting yourself, and move into a place where magic is seen everywhere, and regardless if it holds relevance in the present moment or not, you have to know it is relevant.

I am so aware you already measured the consequence and it is for my highest good.. Thank you universe!!!

Much love to all


Author: Misty

I live life to the fullest, and ask questions later. Sometimes I falter and sometimes I get it right. But I so enjoy this adventure called life. I am a conduit of healing energy; a reader, an intuitive, a massage therapist with 10 years of experience, a certified Neuromuscular therapist, and mother of 2 beautiful children. I am a teacher Reiki master, spiritual adviser and a student of life. I also facilitate yoga and guided meditation. But above all I am a spiritual being having a human experience

One thought on “Rhode Island Psychic Im not..(or maybe I am)

  1. When I first saw the preview for that show, only YOU flashed thru my mind. I can’t believe how much you’ve shared misty with these blogs! Wonderful stuff!!! And i’ve only skimmed the top so far!

    *Claps* Bravo! I reminded of Thomas with how easily I am able to relate to your personality in your writing! A joy to read in other words! And so much to reflect on because of it…

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