Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

What goes up, must come down..


The ebb, and the flow.. We hear it being said over and over from every new age spiritual book, and talk show host.  The flow, is when dynamics line up in your life, almost in a miraculous setting, giving confirmation to the divine source, and the ultimate observer in the sky. The ebb, is of course the exact opposite of this, where things seem to be out of equation, and feel almost depressing.To me it represents the universal relationship we have with our parents (our creator) that love hate relationship, where we love when we are nurtured, but hate it when we are disciplined.

Some would say it is a simple shift of perspective, choosing to look at things in a more positive light. The proverbial cliché of “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade”

Well I have seen my fair share of life throwing some lemons at people  and all in fairness, there just wasn’t any sugar in the scenario to make lemonade.  We could look at it ten ways to Sunday, proclaiming it as Karma, Frequency, like attracts like, or even lessons. But I like to always take a concept and explore it even deeper than that, by applying it to my own life, and see what happens. “To walk the talk”

When I first saw the “Secret” I felt a little disheartened. I had listened and read all the hype pertaining to it, but after watching it, there seemed to be something missing.  Oh yeah that’s right, god… or the universal powers to be. I am a firm believer that the more we look at science, the more precise it points to god (an unknown force that can’t be defined).  But when I see something, that, in my opinion, dismisses god and puts us entirely in the driver seat, I am a little apprehensive.

The term “Manifestation” means to create by thought; and this I firmly agree with, but since thought is sparked by so much, (the dynamics at play) I know that energy matrix in which we swim in every day has to be a part of this scenario.  Meaning this: We can no more cancel out our own power, then we can of the energy of god. For god is the energy matrix of all creation. The divine energetic force of low-frequency and high frequency energy.

I look at this in the correlation of ego-low-frequency energy, and of spirit, high frequency energy. Both have meaning and purpose, yet spirit energy is the energy that thrives to create for the sheer pleasure of it, where as low frequency energy, or ego, only wants to create what is pleasurable to its conditioning.

In other words the Manifestation process has to considered by both energies of high and low, in what it means to not just create, but (Co create)

A lot of times I have seen where people want to create happier scenarios, and a path of least resistance, only to discover that path came with a lot more un-desirable outcomes than they had anticipated.  And why? Well because you tried to get one over on the divine powers to speak, and you just cant!!

When I hear people talk about how they changed their vibration, focusing only on the positive, telling me how they have visually thought of how more successful they can be.

I ask them why? Is god just of a higher vibration, and if so wouldn’t that mean we are separating, instead of integrating? Wouldn’t that put it back into the old concept of “The Devil, and God fighting it out for our immortal soul?

Is god not present when a child with cancer dies, and when one lives? Is god not the culprit of our lives, who presents us with the inevitable conclusion of death? And why? Because the closer we come to death, the more we know what it means to live.

Most mediation masters would say this exactly what mediation is, to bring us closer to the surrender of letting go, so we can truly live in the experience of living as if we were dying.  Which btw, we are!!

Before I plummet any further down the “Rabbit Hole” let me just say this. We can focus on happier things in our lives as much we want to or need to, and create what we believe happier scenarios to live by. But this is only a fleeting moment of happiness, one that gets lost when we experience the ebb, rather than the flow.

Or we can choose to create with not just our desires, but accept that everything we experience, be it anger, travesty or any un-hinged emotion, is a deeper exploration of ourselves overcoming preconceptions of what it means to be truly happy.

What we manifest in our lives, isn’t about being happy. It’s a confirmation that we are..

Flow isn’t about things just lining up and being manifested so easily. It’s about being connected to the divine, accepting in your surrender. And when I say surrender, I mean YOU CAN TRY TO CREATE HAPPINESS, THROUGH A TANGIBLE MEANS, BUT THE INTANGIBLE, THE THINGS THAT CANNOT BE SEEN,IS WHERE TRUE HAPPINESS RESIDES. And this applies to everything from relationship to that shiny new red car that you want.

You can want it all you want, but if isn’t a part of the grand plan of you experiencing yourself and your karma, then you need to recognize you’re not the only one in the driver’s seat.  And through that recognition, is when you discover the lesson, and the flow of surrender.

If we look at the times we are living in, everything is being manifested very quickly, including our fears and desires. I suppose if we wanted to say that manifestation is about being in the Flow, then we quickly look at someone who has “Manifested all of their fears, and say look how connected you are with the “Flow” Perhaps this is how we should look at it.

Cause what better way to face your fears, then to manifest them. By facing them you move to the next step, of what was un-known has now become known, and you no longer live in the dark of it

In the scenario of my own life, “Walking the Talk”  A little over a year ago, I was in financial ruin. I almost lost my house, my car, everything. I was focusing on what I wanted, beating myself up with my thought process of higher and negative thinking. So finally after feeling as If I could squeeze myself no more.

I stopped placing emphasis on my thoughts, and instead, accepted the idea of being homeless, as not a confirmation of what I wasnt creating, but more so what I wasn’t seeing;  that no matter what, god is with me.

And being homeless didn’t mean god wasn’t with me any less, it just meant new paths to follow, discovering myself and new people. I faced my fears, instead of trying to avoid them or change my perception, I simply accepted god’s will, and said “Where do I need to be that is of my highest good?  What serves me best?”  After that everything lined up for me to not only lose my home, but embark upon a journey of surrender.  My romantic relationship grew stronger.  my financial means more than tripled, and my entire world came to a place of peace.

So next time you are beating yourself up, or think of yourself as the party-pooper who wasn’t invited to the party. Instead recognize you are at the party. The party is always happening, and it doesn’t have to be peaceful, in fact it can be downright dysfunctional.  There are so many doors to open in ourselves, and just as one can lead us to love, the other can lead us to pain. We can’t look at it and think we have failed or that we aren’t thinking or feeling in a higher vibration. We simply just have to see the wheel of destiny at play, and see god in its making.  Let go and let god, doesn’t mean let me create some happier outcomes, it means accept that you aren’t happy, so you can be. Accept your fears so you can face them.  Dont hide from them, or believe yourself to be shielding. You can’t fool god.. And the more you try, the more you will be fooled.. Be prepared to get your squeezing muscles buffed, cause there is gonna be a whole lotta lemons, if you don’t. When you accept that where you are is where you need to be, and not judge it as being less or more, you are where fears are faced, and true happiness is obtained.


Much love to all

Misty Dawn

Author: Misty

I live life to the fullest, and ask questions later. Sometimes I falter and sometimes I get it right. But I so enjoy this adventure called life. I am a conduit of healing energy; a reader, an intuitive, a massage therapist with 10 years of experience, a certified Neuromuscular therapist, and mother of 2 beautiful children. I am a teacher Reiki master, spiritual adviser and a student of life. I also facilitate yoga and guided meditation. But above all I am a spiritual being having a human experience

2 thoughts on “What goes up, must come down..

  1. Recognizing the appreciation that we have for the day, is out of knowing there is a night. One compliments the other, both add life to the other through adding contrast, and both together make one complete day. I think you really hit the nail on the head here. Ebb or flow, what is the larger lesson? Is it acceptance that a greater force is at play? Even in the midst of losing it all there is liberation. What you believe it means to lose it all, your fear of it and then the reality of it. The reality is when you let go of trying to save it all in your own strength, you realize the same force that allowed it to fall apart is putting you back together again… with a new perspective. Very well said Misty, I needed to be reminded of this tonight. Thank you!

  2. Jeremy I came to recognize that as much energy as it takes to create, so does it take to destroy. The bigger the light there is, the more prevalent a shadow is. That lack is no greater than abundance, and the divine is our most deepest fears, as well as nirvana.
    WE cannot have one without the other. For it is the same energy of love that forces us to our knees and exalts us..

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