Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance


I am god, and so are you..

Yesterday as I skimmed the many posts of Facebook, I came across a word that intrigued me “Karmageddon” and to my surprise there was a link attached to a new movie trailer from author Jeff Brown of Soulshaping.


As I watched the trailer I was amazed by the raw honesty being disclosed about the subject of “Spirituality” and the roles of Guru, and Student relationship breaking down.  It painted a poignant tale of the Master Guru student relationship being just an exploration of excavating bigger truths within our own inward journey.

As Jeff Brown, a voice in his own right began to question the integrity of his personal Guru, you could see the moment of self-doubt and anger, unraveling the tapestry of the voice that once guided him to speak to many.

For if we break down the guru we follow, it also means to break down ourselves from which we followed, and also to ask the most truthful of question: Why did we follow them?

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Embracing the Demon

I thank all of you who read my recent post “Demons in Disguise as Angels. I wanted so many to come to a richer understanding about sin and what we deem to be evil or wrong.

As we accept the demon as merely an angel we break down the separation of duality thinking and travel even further down the rabbit hole; when we not only accept the demon but embrace it and use it to build a bridge within ourselves.

It was years ago when I embraced my demon and it was absolutely paramount to my growth and my ability to see myself and all living things as beautiful. I was a second time mother. Only eight months had passed since birthing a new baby boy ten years younger than his  half-sister before all hell broke loose. My daughter at the time only 11 years of age had returned home from a visit with her father over the Christmas Holidays and revealed to me that in the two-week visit the father she loved, performed sexual acts on her.

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She grows many roses.. And it makes me angry..

To say anger isn’t real or lacks any validity is the equivalence of saying everyone loves me.  Believing in the illusion of everyone loving you isn’t as gratifying as accepting the truth, that not all are meant to love you, except yourself. For it is your purpose and lesson to love yourself accepting rejection and not seeing yourself as less than. Rejection is not an action It is a state of mind. It is a cause and effect of fear within. For the true process of spirit is to experience with open arms. For one who grows only roses in their garden will reject many flowers.

These were the words I heard as I asked for the divine to speak to me. To give me guidance of why it was I felt rejected, and my voice snuffed out from someone whom I thought loved me. The answer revealed to me was shocking, and not easy to swallow. It called me out, as the divine most often does…Bringing forth my true intentions.

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The Garden of Eden

When I think of the biblical story of Adam and Eve, I cant help but be reminded of  the correlation between the parent child relationship of man.  How the child, once grown up, needs to test their boundaries and formulate a truth of their own making beyond the confines of their parents’ rules, is really us once in spirit now in human form. That in our drive of self discovery we are willing to forgo the comforts of home. Be seduced by the serpents tongue, and make choices in  search for a truth that is self-made, beyond the loving hands of our creator, and paradise.  Seen with rebellious intent we are then punished, just like any child would who goes against the forbidden word. And cast out  of the proverbial garden of our creator. (At least that is how the story goes)

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No stone left unturned

When I was younger, I used to pay homage to a tree. I would sit under it, climb it and feel the strength of it fill my veins with that same strength to the core of my being. To me as I understood god created the earth, and was all living things, then that tree was god’s body. It lifted me up on those days of confusion, and mass hysteria.When it seemed the darkness would never end.  I was often puzzled by my grandmother who placed so much of her beliefs and her money, to one of those faith healer evangelists she would see on tv during one of those restless late nights. The sound of the southern twang voices boomed from the tv, feeling  like nails running across a chalkboard, to my sensitive child like ears.

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