Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

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Becoming the “Creative Experience”

Lately I have been receiving many messages from people who have asked for some kind of comforting guidance, or words of wisdom from the dark place of doubt they stand in. I saw a theme being created around all their questions correlating with the broadness of uncertainty happening in my own life, and knew it was something on a universal scale. As I tuned in, I received bountiful information that may be helpful to all, which I will now share with you.

We are in a liquidation period; where what we knew to be a solid formation of ice has melted away into another form. This form is much more adaptable and much more powerful as it can touch many things, yet it lacks the security of being something solid. As creatures of comfort we desire more comfort through the way of the “Knowing” This knowing is the solid formation of ice and without it we feel we have no real power, direction or thoughts to invest in; were just the water on the waves of the ocean being tossed to and fro. By deeming ourselves having a lack of power, we then create struggles internally which pour out externally, thus creating power struggles through every relationship we have. But in the midst of this is the teachable moment to being able to effectively work through karmic lessons. In other words the levee has broken and all the water, all the emotions we struggle to put back into some sense of renewal of power, is really counter-productive for our individual growth as individuals and as a whole.

Think about it.  As ice in solid formation, one would have to chisel away at the surface, but as water we run through every crack and crevice with no surface, with emotions so deep that every emotional trigger point gets touched and affected. These trigger points are how your experience is created through your reaction. The reaction itself then becomes what the rest of your experience will be. This experience alone then gets put into the ocean pool of energy that now creates the wider spectrum of consciousness as a whole. If the goal in unified consciousness is to create peace, then the only way to get to that destination is to look at what does not create peace; your emotional trigger points.

How you experience the emotional trigger points is what you will create. This is what is suggested when the mention of negative karma is used. It is not as simple as a negative or a positive of anything when it all has the same intent of getting you to the goal, but it’s the difference in having 5 hurdles to jump through verses 20.

That is the million dollar answer to the question, “How you create” Now apply this even deeper to the core by not experiencing through the reaction, but instead create the experience for the reaction to happen.

How do we do that?

Do we have more positive thought to counteract the negative thought, as it has been suggested in many new age spiritual philosophies? Metaphorically speaking; do we, “Turn lemons into lemon aide by having happier thoughts?” But then you are confronted with more doubt, from questioning your own thoughts? It leads you to a winding circle of amplified doubt not knowing what is faith and complete denial. How does one know the difference of what faith is; believing that things will improve and not be in denial that things aren’t meant to improve, until you yourself take action to improve them? And how do we know that what we think needs to be improved, isn’t just based off a total emotional trigger point; of unresolved issues that create reactive responses in us?

I know these were the questions I was having when the information came through me full throttle. I was amazed at the answer.

“It’s not your job to know, until it is!”

Yes, again I know the vagueness of spirit talking to me, and I felt at one point that the divine itself (With no disrespect intended in my next comment,) was playing the “total cop out game.” At forty years of age I had seen and experienced, as I am sure we would all contest to, my fair share of clichés meant to lift the spirits, but really only provided a temporary band aide. I really just had no patience for superficial passivity.  Then everything was elaborated upon in the most simplest of fashion: “It’s your job and your job alone to create,” but do not misunderstand when the word” create “is expressed, for we all create every day in some way. But being in the creative experience is different than just creating from the experience.

It’s creating the experience not living in the experience happening.

Ok, how do we create the experience without having doubt of what we are experiencing? The voice answered, “By becoming the “creative experience.”

I was genuinely confused at this point. The voice continued,

“If you think of energy in terms of flow, just as water would be flowing from a faucet and the sink is full of water (emotion and energy,) then one has to find a way to let the water empty out, so that the water can continue to flow without getting backed up like a clogged sink. This is where you experience the clogged feeling of doubt, fear and stagnation, but being in the “Creative experience” is the flow of energy happening within you, through you and your life.

The creative experience happens when you are in the creative process. It is also where the heart is leading you to, not the mind. This creative process occurs when you are standing next to the divine filled with inspiration and creativity.  It happens when you are singing a song, creating music, making art. It does not occur when you are being reactive. It occurs when you are being of action in the creation of the “Creative Experience” It is essentially creating you

Once you start this flow of energy through this “Creative Experience” everything else too flows with the experience being created and sifts out into your life. You will see the turning of the tides and not feel like waves of the oceans current, you are the ocean creating the current.

So the next time you are feeling doubtful, sad, angry and reactive to what is happening around you, find a way to be in the “Creative Experience” Don’t be the water at the mercy of the oceans current, be the ocean and the moon affecting the current, not the current affecting you. Take up a jewelry class and learn how to make pottery, candles, draw, write, sing, make music and dance. Learn how to farm, plant some flowers in the ground. This could very well lead you to a inspiring small busines or a partnership with someone else. You never know where the creative process will take you. These are not luxuries of life like a new designer handbag or a trip to the spa for some pampering; this is a necessity for your physical, spiritual body.  And it is imperative to how you experience you in your life and how you co-create with the divine to create your expereince happening.  This puts you in the drivers seat and allows for your heart to lead which serves as a distraction from the mind thought of doubt, sadness and fear. The mind wants to be in control, whereas the heart already has the control.

So you wanted to be a dancer twenty years ago but never pursued it because you put your family first, well good for you for your admirable sacrifice. But does that mean you still cant dance? Does that mean during the course of your day you cant find ways to be passionate about life? In this passion you will spend less time dwelling on the circumstancial regrets and poking wholes at yourself as less than.

Much love to all.