Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

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God the proverbial Chef- Bon- A ppetit

After a fairly successful day of entertaining people with the music of Two Fishes and bountiful laughter with good friends, Jeremy and I enter into our usual “Deep end of the pool” conversation on our hour ride home from Vero Beach, Florida. Our dialogue including this question; How are mind, body and soul effected by various religions? Are they governed by one religion or various religious applications working together as a mechanism, does it even matter? Jeremy concluded that in Buddhism it seems much of the spark ignited by its concepts are through the mind; a more practical application of spiritual practice. He felt that when he was emerged in the practice of Zen and Buddhism that it was his mind being stimulated, not his heart. Jeremy for many years was a worship leader in his Baptist Christian Church. It was his job to excite people, get them on their feet in praise and worship with Jesus, and although his heart would rush with excitement from the amplified energy of the congregation, at times the plasticity of it felt lacking. He pondered the question to himself,”Is Christianity a romanticized version of love and sacrifice in the name of Jesus to affect the heart, is Paganism and all its many rituals of practice in worship of the earth to signify the body and is Buddhism a practice of the mind?” 

Of course there are many more belief systems but just to simplify it a bit we will just use these three.

I answered with for me its all of thee above- meaning how does one make such a separation between heart mind and body when in my opinion its works symbiotically with the soul? To me its like trying to differentiate what is ego and spirit. Why bother when it its all tools of the divine to promote growth and awareness.

I grew up in a very strict Baptist Church,  as I grew older and less interested I then traveled the many sects of Christianity, including Pentecostal, Catholic and the underbelly of  Christianity with faith revival snake charmers in big white tents whom called themselves healers. Religion fascinated me, beliefs and ritual fascinated me, I wanted to know how religion and belief systems can be so effecting of the psyche, that one would kill or go to war for it. So I explored them all.  I friend ed a woman who was in the midst of forming a coven and she taught me the world of magic in blood and earth. Ritual was a beautiful thing and what I learned through that process was that although crystal balls were really cool to look at and spells were a wonderful proclamation of inner power, I did not need any of them to manifest or perform magic. Another thing I learned too was that watching someone perform a blood ritual was less freaky then someone speaking in tongues and that blood ritual too was romanticism. In fact it does not get any more blood ritual then dying on a cross for purification.  To me, I learned that  much of religion was a romantic exploration of the heart that could be applied from the mind and the body;intuitively guided.  Meaning religion and belief systems are just paths to travel in a dynamic of energy that are either blocked or flowing. For some the heart is stimulated through the most tangible way and for others it is the intangible where the magic lies.

I think of it all in terms of energy and its path of evolution that first starts as the intangible matrix of energy that effects your individual energetic sensors, processed through the heart then through the mind where it is then filtered into words and action. There is no separation it all works in harmony together. The only time it doesn’t is when one keeps making the separation, focusing on one aspect than the other or even demeaning its importance. That is when the block happens-because essentially you have rejected the flow of god that works both as mind, body and heart through the soul. How many times have we done that in our generalizations of follow the heart not the mind.

Why not if the heart is blocked the mind can lead you to it or if the mind is blocked the heart will show you the way because its all ways of the spirit. Why does one have to be more or less than the other?

For instance there are many ways to treat a urinary tract infection. You can go the very medicinal pragmatic way of antibiotics, or you can use the herbal approach of cranberry pills, uva ursa, bayberry, or the homeopathic approach or even use a big huge green bloodstone crystal and Reiki; which I have. In fact I try the most in -evasive way at first through reiki and crystals and as a layer to an onion, I travel all the many layers of healing until my infection is gone. I don’t say one is better than the other, or demean any approach, I simply recognize some infections need more and less evasiveness and its all the same onion.


So in conclusion we can see how all the many religions, belief systems have been created to effect stimulate the heart, mind body which makes up the soul. Just as the aspects of our being in emotion and body make up the Chakra system- something I refer to as the Dna of Spirit – a being within a being. And if we can accept this, then we make no differentiation of belief systems. In fact they are like herbs you pick from your garden, which herb you pick is dependent upon what meal you are making in your kitchen. If you grow lots of herbs then you have many meals busting with flavor and ethnicity to choose from. So let it be the same. 

Recognize how clever and wise your god is by creating so many different herbs to choose from to please the senses in the same way god created all the many religions as tools for man to grow mind, body and heart which expands the soul so far, it integrates itself into the one of god and wholeness. The flock coming back home, enlightenment, peace, nirvana, consciousness, love, integration transmutation and alchemy. What wonderful food for thought. Bon -appetit,

Guten Appetit, Chúc mọi người ăn ngon miệng!Saha w afia or Sahten w alf afia or saha w hana  Bonum appetitionem Afiyet olsun!”Buon Appetito! Buen provecho o que aproveche íprovecho!

Much love to all 

Misty Dawn