Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

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The Paradox of Peace

 einstein and darkness

What a paradox it is when we look at peace from another perspective. Absolutely we all want peace, but at what expense? My soul? Often peace is just a guise of conformity and/or a fear of confrontation. The truth is most will sacrifice anything for the sake of comfort. Yet comfort is only a Band-Aid covering a deep gaping wound within us all. Being pushed out of our comfort zones is where real growth begins, and so too does our expansion with the divine. We can learn another way, but not until we are willing to let go of our comforts and not judge our pain as an absence of god. God uses any tool available to communicate to us. It’s simply a matter of how can you be reached. Possibly through your anger if you are a passive soul who likes the comfort of peace or maybe love because you do not judge what peace is. God communicates every day, how you want to be communicated with is your choice. Do you hide behind a veil of love and light while building a fortress around your heart to protect you from the very people you claim to love? If so, than god will show you darkness, to confront the illusion. For only in fear do we build such a fortress. Do you need your tree shook to bear the fruit, then god will appear to shake it. Come forth in the shape of a man or a woman, or as justice to steal your freedom away. To show you love and cut you from the knees so you may fall and bleed from your heart. The divine is the yin and the yang, the adverse opposite of everything. We do not see it, while still having the illusive grip on what peace is. Peace is not without struggle, if there is struggle within you. Peace is not without pain, if there are levels of pain you struggle with. When you see there is no struggle only love, then your advisory is the bitch that you are or need to become. The one who shouts while you whisper when you are without a voice, or when your voice is too loud. Peace is within every war waged, lost and won. So what you do not confront today is what you will face tomorrow. You cannot hide from it, to think you can is arrogant. You are not smarter or wiser than god. You cannot manipulate your actions by your initial reaction. Your cannot be somewhere else other than where you are. No matter how much you swim in denial. God sees you and only asks the question of how do you wish to see god?