Radiance By Misty Dawn

Play like a child but clean with the Radiance

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The power of the word Fuck…

How many of you, after visiting this blog felt your interest sparked by the provocative word being used in this title?

Did your eyes scan the pages of words, feeling a regurgitated feeling of your senses and only to have them perk,or  even inflamed as to why a blog devoted to spiritual development would have the word “fuck” in its title?

And if so, why would you even ask such a question if you weren’t  willing to dive into the darker essence of your own being to encompass the full spectrum of self not bits and pieces? (Authenticity)

So indeed instead of questioning me of why I would feel inspired to write such a thing, you may have to ask yourself why it is you felt compelled to read it? And from the simple act of asking such a question you may very well be delivered into a deeper aspect of your being that has waited to be bloomed into the most magnificent of flowers. 

When I was 16 yrs of age lost in the muck of my own words and how to convey them, I took a class called Semantics 101.

My Teacher ,Mr Wotton (yes I remember his name) was a man who had created a wide-spread controversy throughout the school for how he executed his deliverance to a class of “impressionable kids.”

Upon entering the classroom he would say with such enthusiasm the words fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! He would say them over and over and over again, until the words themselves would sound like baby babble.

Of course at 16 years old’s we were astonished to hear a “teacher”  displaying with such a careless disregard of the consequences. We were fully aware of the implications of what the word “fuck” carried when speaking it and was intrigued immediately by what was deemed our authoritative figure disregarding the “rules” We were stunned and speechless; similar to like a deer in headlights. He grabbed us out of our empty corpses and the social etiquette of complacency to set a precedence that to me and many did not compare to any of the rest of our high school experiences.

Some of us were laughing nervously by the strange effect of it; almost like we were watching a full comedic impression being staged in front of us, where as others just looked around the class to see the reactions with their eyes wide open unable to fully process the experience.

Mr Wotton  aware of how this would initially stir an emotional jolt in all of continued on, treading through the laughter and building a climatic response in all of us when he would suddenly just stop and look at all of us directly in our faces asking us to examine the power of words. He would further emphasize his point by saying “how it is not words that has the power, but the power in which we give to them”  I can’t remember my prom night, but I distinctly remember the way his face looked. How he swayed into the classroom with such confidence and devotion to not just teaching us but reaching us. He did not say this is this or that, he simply asked us to examine ourselves in the power we have given freely to something that really has no power.

Mr Wotton was a teacher who cared not to just be a teacher, but a friend, and  confident; someone who never portrayed himself as being wiser or above us in our youth. He unbeknownst to him was giving us back our power as soon to be adults in the world. He was showing us something that many adults in their own impressionable teen years (our fathers and mothers) had not bothered to look at until their first emotional breakdown: Introspection and the subjective. He was essentially creating free will empowerment and the act of discovery in ourselves not as what we should be, but what we wanted to be.

Eventually as all of the parents caught wind of the class it was banned. Imagine that a class meant to encourage free thinkers of the world was banned. Yet to this day I can revisit Mr Wotton’s Facebook page and see all the many comments his previous students from 15 years ago leave on his page, exclaiming how that class changed them in ways that even he may never fully understand.

For me it changed everything in my life, forcing me to really examine myself from the inside out. How it was for so long, I was afraid to communicate what I was really feeling inside  as a teenager growing up in a world, that seemed so disconnected from the painted silly masks.  And I too, had begun the early stages of painting my own mask for the sake of acceptance and fitting in. His class empowered me and I often wonder as the class only lasted for a short time before it was banned, who I would be today without its influence?

Today in the adversity I have faced in my life, I draw from the parallels of that class, using it to construct spiritual growth classes and empowering many of my clients with the same wisdom; words are words they have no power over us except of how we view ourselves in the definition and relation of the word used. From one word we can go from knowing or feeling like we are something to nothing in two point five seconds. Imagine that only a word that was once just a grunt in caveman standards could signify how we feel about ourselves.

Yet words are a means in which to communicate and very much the “ego” expressing itself as the ego is simply the realization of not being alone and interacting with others. In our isolated state of being alone, such as in meditation we are of peace in our true nature. When we become aware we are not alone our identity of who we are also becomes aware, creating ego. It is our ego which communicates and through our ego in which we create much unnecessary acts of pain toward another through words. 

I am a person who believes that everyone has a right to speak their mind, express how they feel regardless if it upsets me. In fact if it indeed upsets me this is even more significant as it something I need to look at within myself and gives me an opportunity to dig deeper at core issues and emotional responses. To shed some light on my own being and what makes me tick, peeling back all the many layers of conditioning we all have encountered from society itself. (To bleed just to know your alive)

I am thankful that a chord has been struck!!

In the past when I have taught my seven series class “Finding the Guru within” we talk about words, in fact asking many to bring up to what I refer to as “emotional trigger words”  The one simple word we all have in our lives that creates a strong emotional response of anger, resentment and puts us in a position of being defensive. The exercise was meant for the participants to find the power behind its meaning (the core) and to recognize that words have various meanings which means nothing is absolute even in a word.

When we look at a word and how it triggers us into an emotional reaction we truly face its suggestion, not only in that moment but for the rest of our lives. Something shifts when we become the observer of our emotional responses and not just have them. We see how in that moment we are being asked by the universe itself is this how you truly see yourself? And if the answer is no, then why are you having an emotional response to it? Now to go further in recognizing how much words have become a simple projection by others and we adhere to those projections of many egos like some kind of sticky glue in constructing our own view of ourselves.

We began to see how in the power of words,we define roles in our life, like mother, father, friend, brother and sister. Yet ask someone what is the definition of the word “mother”  Some would say nurturer, giver, supreme goddess, others would say bitch, devil, selfish. And how it is from each experience differing we make comparison of our own worth for what these words represent. How offensive is it to one who clearly has had a loving mother to have another speak so ferociously about their bitch of a mom. Not only offensive but how in that feeling of being offended you will make the other persons experience seem less than even saying “dysfunctional” Now think about how the word “dysfunctional” conjures up feelings of inadequacy and weakness.

We cannot speak of love saying that we should love unconditionally if we place a hindrance on how someone speaks their truth. By doing so we have dismissed not only the right for someone to speak their truth but our right as well in a future encounter; negating all the many dynamics of ourselves. If we suppress a truth in another it is only because it is a truth we suppress in ourselves. 

Not all truths are absolute and are relative to the bigger truth and that is truth is often a lie waiting to be exposed.  For we have all been liars, cheats, interrogators, place mats, warriors, saints, killers, lovers, monsters, bitches, assholes, cunts, jerks, nerds, demons, angels, peace, war, drama, all of thee above.

I have become very fond of the word “bitch” as I am fully aware that I can be perceived as being one, just as much as being perceived as “loving and kind” I make no separation of this, and empower others do the same. We are just mirrors of one another interacting at various frequencies both of high and low to represent the many facets of our being.

When we place ourselves in such a cavalier manner, so as to prove to ourselves that we are only love, we are not acting from love, but from fear. We like to convince ourselves otherwise, but never underestimate the power of denial.

The word fuck!!! Is a powerful word.. but only because we have given it so much clout to rattle our nerves. Just as many other words we see disrespectful or non-appealing. But we must ask ourselves in the suggestion of words and their definitions, how we have limited our own expression?  The word god has many words attached to it to emphasize a meaning we can truly never know. I have heard love, all that is, divine, universe,energy.

But to me the word god and its definition: is all that is, in  which cannot be defined..By doing  so, trying to define it we encapsulate it like a butterfly in a glass prison of words and expression; a butterfly that is meant to fly. 

We live enough in a prison of mediocrity and lack of individual expression. We need not create yet another self-induced prison for ourselves by not accepting our responsibility in the power we have given to words

So much love to everyone.. I love you dearly
